Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Joey joy

Just two weeks ago, Bonny Fire was tantalising us all with her delightfully puckered pouch and the promise of joey within! She was down from her favourite tree a lot more than usual, getting her extra fill of freshly delivered leaf now that she's eating for two.

Bonny Fire
Bonny's full pouch
From koalawrangler's gallery.

Then, unexpectedly, a little arm would shoot out...

Bonny Fire
Oy! Whose arm is that?
From koalawrangler's gallery.

I just managed to catch the arm retreating back into the pouch on video:

...and we knew that it wouldn't be too long before this little smiley face paid us a visit.

All the beautiful photos below are courtesy of Broken Puzzle's gallery.

Click here to see more photos of Bonny Fire's precious little joey at the Koala Hospital, Port Macquarie.

Click here to find out just how our Bonny got in the family way in the first place!